Working hard and being financially fortunate in life gives you more options than if you are cash-strapped. If you grew up in a family that lived modestly, your parents may have modest savings and an economically lower-quality lifestyle than you currently have. If you have made some good investments and good choices and are financially well off, helping your parents may be at the forefront of your mind. If you are interested in helping your parents but you want to make sure that the money is spent wisely, you can set up a trust for your parents to live off of.
- A child support agreement is supposed to contain all the expenses necessary for the wellbeing of a child. In reality, however, unforeseen expenses can always crop up and necessitate additional funding. Such costs are termed as extraordinary expenses, and below are some of the factors the court will consider when determining whether an extraordinary expense is really necessary: The Child's Needs and Talents You cannot be expected to buy all the things in the world for your child, but you are expected to provide them with the things they need to excel in their talents.
- Being arrested for suspected drunk driving is a scary process, with potentially life-altering consequences. The following information will help you plan your course of action, to hopefully attain the most positive results for your case. When You Plead Guilty If there is overwhelming evidence against you, or if you and your attorney feel it's in your best interest to plead guilty, you still have options available to you. Pleading means being able to negotiate with the prosecuting attorney's office, depending on the severity of your offense(s) and the consequences related to your drunk driving.
- If you have been in a car accident, you want to make sure that you are protected as much as possible. This doesn't mean physical protection; it means that you need to make sure that you are protected against any lawsuits and against the other driver's insurance coming after you. There are several things that you can do that can help you with this. Pictures You need to take as many pictures as possible.
- If you're thinking about becoming an attorney, one of the first things you'll need to do is pick a specialty. While you can certainly practice general law, the field is becoming so vast that it's nearly impossible to have a wide breadth of knowledge about everything that the legal field has to offer. Because there are so many different niche types of law, you may be confused concerning which one is right for you.